5 Tips For All New To YouTube
So, technically, I am still a new YouTuber 😉 But I have learned from some research, while putting together videos and uploading them, great tips for us newbies.
Let's get started:
1. ALWAYS verify your YouTube account
Before posting any videos this is a must, here are the steps:
Let's get started:
1. ALWAYS verify your YouTube account
Before posting any videos this is a must, here are the steps:
a. Access https://www.youtube.com/dashboard
b. Click on Channel on the left-hand side
c. Access Status & Features and select Verify next to your profile image
d. You can choose text or call, text came instantly for me
e. type in the six digit code, viola! You're done!
2. Custom Thumbnails are a must!
It's nice that YouTube grabs like... what... two or three images from your video to set as the thumbnail but... that's not the greatest if you want to engage someone searching your criteria. Hint: when you verify your account, you are then able to customize these. Make sure to have an image ready that you want to use for a video, but also be wise and don't make it incredibly misleading. I have a video on how to crochet, the thumbnail I made was an image of simple crochet pieces I have made, with a title to really stress it on the viewers with no crochet skills, to watch it.
3. Banners on your channel
These help to make you look professional and that you know what you're doing *teehee* There are a few ways to make banners but I came across a really good video that shows you how just from a phone app: Here it is
4. Make sure you have a niche
It's known with any successful YouTube Channel (& Business) that a target market is what is needed, never try to satisfy every person on youtube, you will go crazy and have to learn things that you just won't care about, therefore most likely make you burned out on everything. I personally have always been artsy-craftsy, so guess what my channel is all about? That's what it will stick to**** With the
acception of plain old vlogs.
5. Keep it consistent
Definitely keep your videos on a consecutive schedule of at least ONE video a week, if you go all out with 10 videos within a four week time period and then get really scarce for months on end, no one will stick around with you. If you are about to hit a heavy load with school, work, or just life, record multiple videos before that so you can put them on an upload schedule. Even do update vlogs to let your sub-family know you have intention to show them more soon.
I hope this helps! Please subscribe to my channel:My YouTube if you are interested in any arts&crafts type of vids, or just want to hear me talk in general.
Thank you for reading this 😃
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